Join us

Membership benefits
As a member of IABC you have access to a large quantity of
online communication material. 
This resource is available at

The benefits of membership can be broken down into five categories:
1.         Networking resources
2.         Job-searching assistance
3.         Learning opportunities
4.         Affinity programs
5.         Recognition (accreditation and awards)

You get access to the following:
•          CW, IABC’s award-winning magazine—covering the spectrum of topics in the business communication field.
•          CW Bulletin—featuring research and analysis on a particular issue or topic.
•          First-level communication templates—offering easy-to-understand examples of how to approach a communication effort.
•          First-level Research Foundation reports—linking theory to practice.
•          Select Knowledge Centre resources—knowledge from communication experts.

We are always delighted to have new members join IABC.
If you would like to speak with a Board member of the Irish Chapter simply email: (just remove the NO SPAM from the address).